Guiding Principles
Our guiding principles (Mission, Vision, and Values) are not just words on a wall or website. They define who we are and who we want to be in the future. Every time we make a decision or take action, we reference these guides to help us stay on track. We train our staff, both old and new, to align with these ideals so that we are all working together toward the same end goals. Do we sometimes get off track? Sure, but we circle back and realign regularly to correct course.
Our mission is to provide our clients with high quality glazing craftsmanship and expertise in a timely manner.
Our vision is to be the first choice for glazing contractors in the Omaha metropolitan area.
Relationship First
Putting relationships first means creating a sense of camaraderie amongst our staff, working hard together to get things done right, and promoting a safe learning environment where everyone is able both mess up and excel. Every time we make a decision, we think about how it affects our relationships within the company, with our clients, and out in the community.
Communication & Collaboration
In construction, there is no such thing as too much communication. There are many stakeholders and many moving parts. We make a point to make sure that everyone is on the same page about projects and we work together to find solutions to problems.
Honesty & Integrity
It should go without saying that Honesty and Integrity are central to everything we do, but we put it in the middle of our five values for a reason. It is the only way to do good business, and it affects all of the other values – having quality relationships, being able to collaborate well, being accountable for your work, and doing the job right the first time. If this value is not strong, the others fall apart.
Ownership & Accountability
For a group to function well, everyone needs to not only own their part of the process, but to understand how their part affects the whole process. We are accountable for our part to make the whole work properly.
Done Right
We take immense pride in our work, and we strive to be the first choice for glazing contractors. We believe that quality is more important than speed and that teaching our workers good technique and improving their skills in their craft is key to our success. We give it everything we’ve got and do it right the first time.